image of Tampa Bay veterinary surgeon preforming surgery
A veterinary surgeon and a general veterinarian who also conducts surgeries have different focuses and training. Here are some distinctions that can make a veterinary surgeon “better” in the realm of surgery compared to a general veterinarian:
  1. Specialized Training: A board-certified veterinary surgeon has undergone additional years of surgical residency and training beyond veterinary school, specifically focusing on various surgical techniques and procedures.
  2. Experience: Due to their specialized training, veterinary surgeons are often exposed to a wider variety of cases and complex surgical procedures, making them more experienced in handling intricate surgeries.
  3. Advanced Equipment and Techniques: Veterinary surgeons are more likely to be familiar with the latest surgical equipment and techniques, ensuring that the animal gets the most up-to-date care.
  4. Problem-solving: With their specialized knowledge, veterinary surgeons might be better equipped to deal with unexpected complications or challenges that arise during a surgery.
  5. Post-operative Care: Their advanced training can also make them more adept at understanding and managing post-operative care and complications.
  6. Refinement of Skills: As their primary focus is surgery, their skills are continually being refined and practiced, whereas a general veterinarian balances a multitude of other responsibilities.
  7. Continuous Learning: Being in a specialized field means they are often more in tune with the latest research, techniques, and advancements related to surgery, ensuring they offer the best care possible.
That being said, many general veterinarians are skilled surgeons for routine procedures and are perfectly capable of providing excellent care. The distinction lies mainly in the complexity and variety of cases, with veterinary surgeons typically handling the more advanced and specialized surgical procedures.