Sawyer Surgical Solutions: Advanced Ophthalmic Care for Pets

At Sawyer Surgical Solutions, our commitment to the comprehensive health and well-being of pets extends to the delicate and crucial field of veterinary ophthalmology.

Recognizing the importance of vision to your pet’s quality of life, we offer specialized ophthalmic surgeries aimed at treating a range of eye conditions. Our facility is outfitted with the latest in veterinary ophthalmic equipment, and our team of veterinary eye specialists is dedicated to restoring, preserving, and enhancing the vision of our patients through advanced surgical interventions.

Ophthalmic Surgical Services

  • Cataract Surgery: Cataracts can cloud your pet’s vision and, if left untreated, may lead to blindness. Our surgical team is experienced in performing cataract surgery, which involves the removal of the cloudy lens and, in many cases, its replacement with an artificial lens, restoring clarity and greatly improving your pet’s quality of life.

  • Cherry Eye Correction: The prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid, known as “cherry eye," is not only unsightly but can also cause discomfort and other eye issues if not treated. Our surgeons employ a technique that carefully repositions the gland, preserving its function and maintaining the health of the eye.

  • Corneal Ulcer Treatment: Corneal ulcers are open sores on the clear front surface of the eye that can result from injury, infection, or lack of tear production. Our approach to treating corneal ulcers involves meticulous surgical repair and management of the underlying cause, ensuring the best possible outcome for healing and vision restoration.

  • Glaucoma Surgery: Glaucoma, characterized by increased pressure within the eye, can lead to pain and vision loss. Our veterinary ophthalmologists are skilled in several surgical techniques designed to relieve this pressure, prevent further damage to the optic nerve, and preserve as much vision as possible.

  • Eyelid Tumor Removal: Tumors on the eyelids can interfere with vision and may lead to more serious health issues. Our team excels in the precise removal of these growths, taking care to minimize impact on the surrounding area and maintain eyelid function.

  • Lens Luxation Treatment: When the lens of the eye becomes dislocated, it can cause pain and vision problems. Our specialists can surgically address this condition, removing the dislocated lens and preventing further complications.

  • Retinal Reattachment Surgery: Detachment of the retina is a critical condition that can result in blindness if not promptly addressed. Our surgical solutions aim to reattach the retina, preserving vision and preventing blindness.

  • Enucleation: In cases where the eye is severely damaged or diseased and cannot be saved, enucleation, or the surgical removal of the eye, may be necessary. This procedure can significantly improve your pet’s quality of life by alleviating pain and preventing the spread of disease.

Why Trust Sawyer Surgical Solutions for Your Pet’s Eye Care?

  • Expertise: Dr. Sawyer brings years of specialized training and experience to each case, ensuring your pet receives the best possible care.

  • Advanced Technology: We use cutting-edge diagnostic and surgical technology to provide precise, effective treatments.

  • Compassionate Care: We understand the anxiety that comes with pet surgery. Our team provides compassionate support and clear communication throughout the process, ensuring you understand every step of your pet’s care.

  • Comprehensive Aftercare: Following surgery, we offer thorough post-operative care and monitoring to support your pet’s recovery and adjustment, including pain management and rehabilitation services as needed.

Vision is a precious gift, and at Sawyer Surgical Solutions, we are dedicated to preserving and restoring this vital sense for your pets. With a focus on advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive care, we strive to ensure your pet can enjoy a life full of sights and wonders. Contact us to learn more about how our ophthalmic surgeries can help your pet see the world more clearly.

Radiology/Imaging Studies

Radiology (x-rays) and imaging studies (MRI, CT, ultrasound) can be helpful in diagnosing a variety of conditions in pets. They're often used to look for things like fractures, foreign bodies, tumors, and other abnormalities. Radiology/imaging studies are generally non-invasive and relatively well tolerated by pets, making them a good first step in diagnosing many conditions.

Bloodwork/Biochemical Profile

A biochemical profile is a blood test that gives information about your pet's overall health. It can give clues about things like dehydration, organ function, and metabolic disorders. Bloodwork is often used as a baseline when your pet is healthy so that abnormal values can be identified more easily if they arise in the future. Biochemical profiles are also used to screen for things like genetic diseases and toxicity.

Urinalysis/Fecal Analysis

Urinalysis is a screening test that looks at various components of urine, including pH, protein levels, glucose levels, and the presence of blood or infection. It can give clues about things like urinary tract infections or diabetes. A fecal analysis looks at stool samples for the presence of parasites, blood, or other abnormalities. Fecal analysis is often used as part of routine wellness screenings or when gastrointestinal symptoms are present.

These are the most common diagnostic tests available for pets. When your pet isn't feeling well, talk to your veterinarian about which tests might be appropriate in your pet's case. With the help of these diagnostic tools, you and your veterinarian can work together to get your pet back on the road to good health!